Each year, the membership of AAHPA adopts resolutions supporting various legislative actions that we believe will help to improve Alaska's port and harbor infrastructure and operations statewide. On this page you can find our resolutions by year, as well as additional updates and action alerts on these items. Stay tuned, and please contact us with any suggestions or questions!

Please consider taking action by working with your community to pass similar resolutions of support. If you have signed resolutions, letters or other information please send them to us!

For more information on the Municipal Harbor Grant Program

For more information on derelict vessels

2024 Resolutions

If you would like to pass a similar resolution in your community or with your organization, please feel free to use this editable version! 2024 (State Fiscal Year 2026) Harbor Grant Resolution template (.doc)

We would love to collect all passed resolutions of support around the state. Please email info@alaskaharbors.org to let us know!

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in PeterburgSeldovia, and Unalaska.

If you would like to pass a similar resolution in your community or with your organization, please feel free to use this editable version! 2024 (State Fiscal Year 2026) Full Funding template (.doc)

We would love to collect all passed resolutions of support around the state. Please email info@alaskaharbors.org to let us know!

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in Peterburg, SeldoviaUnalaska, and Wrangell.

2023 Resolutions

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in Aleutians East BoroughHainesJuneau, Ketchikan, PelicanSeldoviaSewardUnalaskaValdez, and Whittier. UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in Aleutians East BoroughHaines, JuneauPetersburg, Sitka and Wrangell.

2022 Resolutions

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in Cordova, Haines, Homer, Juneau, KwethlukPetersburgSeldovia, Seward, Skagway, Sitka, WhittierWrangellUnalaskaValdez and by the Alaska Municipal League.

2021 Resolutions

  • 2021-1 In support of full funding ($20,160,062) for the State of Alaska Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Program in the FY2023 State Capital Budget. 
UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in HainesValdezPort of AlaskaSeldoviaAleutians East BoroughCordovaHomer, Seward, Juneau and by the Alaska Municipal League.

2020 Resolutions

UPDATES: Similar resolutions were passed in Cordova, Haines, Homer, Juneau, KakeSeward, Whittier and by the Alaska Municipal League. 

2019 Resolutions

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in Ketchikan, Seward, Homer, Seldovia, Dillingham, Cordova, Juneau, Petersburg, and the Alaska Municipal League. 

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in Ketchikan, Seward, Seldovia, Petersburg, and Juneau.

Has your community or organization passed a resolution in support of these issues? Let us know! info@alaskaharbors.org

2018 Resolutions

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in Ketchikan, SitkaWrangellJuneauCordova, Seward, HomerDillingham, Seldovia, Unalaska, and by the Alaska Municipal League at their 2018 fall conference. 

Final Update for 2018: The Governor did not include any funding for the Municipal Harbor Matching Grant in his original budget. The Legislature put in $1.6M, funded through unexpended and unencumbered funds leftover from other harbor capital projects around the state. The Governor then vetoed those funds, and the AAHPA sent a letter objecting to that veto. In the final Capital Budget, the legislature reversed the Governor's veto and did secure the funds for the Harbor Grant program. Projects funded include the Angoon Harbor, and zinc anodes for Juneau and Sitka. Learn more about the program here

2017 Resolutions

UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in CordovaJuneauKetchikan, Homer, SewardDillingham and by the Alaska Municipal League at their 2017 fall conference. 

Final Update for 2017: The Municipal Harbor Matching Grant was partially funded. 
UPDATES: Similar resolutions have been passed in SitkaCordovaJuneauKetchikan, Homer, SewardDillingham, and Unalaska and by the Alaska Municipal League at their 2017 fall conference and the Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Commission

Final Update for 2017: SB92 was passed by the Alaska Legislature in May, and the bill was signed by Governor Walker in October at the AAHPA annual meeting. Thanks to everyone for your fantastic efforts. This is only a first step, but it's a big and important one!

2016 Resolutions

UPDATES: Similar resolutions were passed in Ketchikan, Seward, SkagwayValdez, Seldovia, Haines, Homer, Unalaska, Juneau, Nome, Cordova, Petersburg and by the Alaska Municipal League.

December 2016: The Governor released his proposed budget, which includes $5M for the Harbor Facility Grant program in FY18.   

UPDATES: Similar resolutions were passed in Ketchikan, UnalaskaSeward, and Petersburg.

UPDATES: Similar resolutions were passed in Ketchikan and Seward, and by the Alaska Municipal League.

UPDATES: A similar resolution was passed in Ketchikan.

April 21, 2017 Letter from the State of Alaska Dept. Labor & Workforce Development agreeing on the interpretation of NEC 555.3 as expressed in AAHPA's Resolution 2016-4.

To serve and promote Alaska's ports and harbors. 
Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.          info@alaskaharbors.org

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