Join us

AAHPA provides incredible networking opportunities for those working in the maritime industry, from port and harbor directors to engineers. Benefits of membership include: exhibiting at the annual conference for vendors, access to our full membership email listserv, discounts on IAMPE training opportunities, access to all of our previous conference presentations, and more!

Corporate Membership is for Harbormasters and Port Administrators managing and operating State, Borough, Municipal, or Private, ports, harbors, or marinas on coastal or inland waters. Only Corporate members hold a voting membership and are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. 

Affiliate Membership is for Harbormasters, Port Administrators, or other staff managing and operating State, Borough, Municipal, or Private, ports, harbors, or marinas on coastal or inland waters. 

Associate Membership is for former Corporate members, individuals, harbor officers and staff, associations, institutions of higher education, and State and Federal agencies having an interest in the objectives of the Association, and may not be qualified to hold membership in another classification.  

Sustaining Membership is reserved for individuals, corporations, firms, vendors and others desiring to provide financial assistance to the AAHPA and its objectives.

Resource Membership is reserved for agencies and non-profit organizations who have non-commercial resources for AAHPA members and who would like to participate in our annual conferences. (non-voting).

To inquire about membership, please contact the Angel Holbrook, Executive Secretary, at 907-299-9000 or

To serve and promote Alaska's ports and harbors. 
Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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